SE及SWE技术对≤1 cm的TI-RADS 4类甲状腺结节的鉴别诊断价值
李 刚,贾 超,刘 龙,张 凡,匡 祎,高 峰,史秋生,杜联芳,李 凡
Value of SE and SWE elastic ultrasound in differential diagnosis of TI-RADS 4 thyroid nodule with a maximum diameter ≤1 cm
LI Gang, JIA Chao, LIU Long, ZHANG Fan, KUANG Yi, GAO Feng, SHI Qiusheng, DU Lianfang, LI Fan
肿瘤影像学 . 2022, (3): 275 -280 .  DOI: 10.19732/j.cnki.2096-6210.2022.03.010